Have you considered the dandelion?
Other than "get that THING outta my yard!"
We mow it, we spray it, we dig it, some eat it,
We may even cuss it
But still it insists on lifting it's beaming face,

With it's heart-melting power,
It's the child's favorite flower
for giving handfuls of love
to mothers, to grammas,
to ladies at church.
And guess what I read in the news?
(It was on MSN...it must be true)
There in the top ten superfoods,
the cleansing, nourishing dandelion!
And those beautiful, fluffy orbs
of tasty, vigorous seeds
beckon to vivid goldfinches
But never mind..........!
I must send these beauties
to a waterless grave,
So they never again
see the light of day!
And armed with the latest
in dandy defense,
I answer the challenge
and at last I'm rewarded
with a lovely green lawn,
Sans dandelions.
Then the wind dares to blow
from the neighboring lawn
scattering seeds,
hundreds of seeds,
thousands of seeds,
ready to start all over again,
doing what they do best,
growing and blooming and seeding
and celebrating life.
They remind me of the love of God
Always giving, never partial
Always enduring, always present.
It can be scorned, rejected, and taken for granted,
but it never changes, never fails, always loves.
So dig up the dandelions if that makes you happy,
But whenever you see one, let it remind you
of how very much God loves you!
PS(After all dandelions have their place---no one wants them to take over!!
But I want God in all my life, not just in His "proper place"---in church on
Sunday morning!!)