Sunday, June 20, 2010

Limb walking

Ever been
"out on
a limb"?
Take a look at him!

Inching along a mimosa hair
comes to the end~what's next?
Reach out for a neighboring hair
Hope it's not too far away,
Hope the wind stays calm,
Oh no, it's just beyond my reach!

But here comes one who says
"Just wait, I'll help the little guy"
Gives the hair a little tweak
And presto, now they meet!
A happy little inchworm
Goes cheerfully on his way
All's right with his world
And here I stand amazed once more
At God's little wonders.

So if you're out on a limb
Searching for a way to go
Or shouting "Help me, I'm doomed!"
Know this: the Greater One
Is always by your side,
He'll always provide a way
and rescue those
who trust in Him.

The inchworm slightly out of focus expresses to me the uncertainty I feel when I'm "out on a limb". When I rest in Him, things come back into focus.