Tuesday, March 16, 2010


The cold, snowy fingers of winter
suddenly yield,
To the light touch of spring
as she flits from valley
to hill,
Blessing the earth with her joy.
Released from icy chambers,
Each rivulet, stream and river
runs full
and boisterous,
Tumbling joyfully to the sea.
The sentinel peeper asleep in the marsh,
Heard spring as she lingered,
And he knew it was time
to boldly pipe
his nocturnal reveille
and awaken his brothers, those heralds of spring.
Spring beauties in striped pink gowns
of simple splendor,
in the great forest ballroom.
The whole earth awakens as birds start to sing;
I tramp through the woods, by the streams, through the fields,
And blissfully greet each welcoming sign,
And join with each voice
And welcome


Carrie said...

LOVE this poem!!!

Carla said...

Can't wait for spring! Have to get thru winter first.I hope I feel alive!
In case you did'nt notice I figured out how to comment!! Maybe you should have shown me! Still love you tho!!