Saturday, December 10, 2011

Risky Business

Temptation (to a mouse)

Temptation unmasked

Take a risk
Yield to temptation
What do you have to lose?

Monday, November 21, 2011


As trees discard fall garments
that blanket the naked ground,
autumn fades into winter

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


When he was young,    
the future only a dream,
He never worried about
what he would write
on the pages of time

Life swirled around him         
He did what he had to do next
without stopping to think
And the pattern changed
because he passed by.

Today, the falling leaves
remind him of his past
It's written like tree rings
that can't be deleted.

What will they say about him?
By what measurement will he be judged?
Does it matter?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Bon Voyage


A leaf sets sail  
on mirrored sky
to be reclaimed
by dust

Leaf dust
greets the morning sun

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Busy work

I act like the squirrel
in Mom's backyard
Scurrying back and forth     
So many things to do
Plotting to steal the seed
from the squirrel-proof feeder
Combing the grass for seed
when that doesn't work
Bouncing from tree to tree
Burying seeds and nuts
Chasing away intruders
Such a list of things to do
all by himself

Why is it easier to stay busy
than to draw close and encounter
the One who loves me more than life?

Saturday, September 17, 2011


the ground
the corn
the cows

Rain refreshes,           
replenishes the earth
I am parched still.

Promising thunderclouds
are mere bags of wind
preaching empty words
They cover my soul with dust.

He was thirsty
so I could drink
the dew of heaven,
His words of life,
and never thirst again.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Writer's block~~I've had it for weeks. Aarrrgghh!!

A delightful invasion of hummingbirds
    playing games
    dancing a ballet
    sipping nectar
    guarding territory
    accepting my presence
    just resting
Called me to enjoy the moment.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

In sync

Tomorrow beckons
but wraps herself in mist 

Yesterday closed the gate
and drove away    

 I AM invites me into Now
where eternity and time
to be
with Him.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Mr. Chanticleer

What a handsome dude you are                

You strut your stuff for all the hens

You flap your wings, puff out your chest 
and crow “How cool, how cool am I”

You flaunt your spurs, you don't retreat
from any foe, you're always king              

You even try to wake the sun              
with all your cock-a-doodle-dooing
You jar me from my sleep instead        
Be careful, you may lose your head  
You think you rule the roost
but remember
You're just a chicken.

Or maybe...

"I will awaken the dawn...
I praise the One who gave me breath  
Come and worship Him
I will awaken the dawn."

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


A storm scrubbed earth's face
and left the promise of fruit
shining in the sun

May heaven's rain
wash my soul of dust
and let the Son shine through.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Seedy life

Modern haiku ignores the seventeen sylables and expresses itself in as few words as possible. Hence this:
      From a dying acorn,
                   a forest.

In thinking about that acorn this more traditional seventeen sylable form:

Today an acorn
fell, carrying life sent from
the beginning oak.

A few more thoughts:

A dying seed or a sprout?
Which do I see?

He said:
"Except a seed dies it remains alone.
In losing your life is eternity."
But why do I tremble at losing my life
What misery awaits me, what pain of death?
I only see a dying seed.

In dying the seed gives birth to it's purpose
of being a tree and producing fruit.
Why shudder to die to self
and allow the dynamic,
fruitful, eternal life of God
to be expressed through me
and become the tree I was meant to be.

In case you're wondering what is in the photo~~it's a sprouting apple seed.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Today's haiku:

Rain slips off feathers                                                       
and leaves no mark, let cursing      
words slip off my heart.       

I've been watching the bluebirds this winter. They posed for some pictures.
No more room at the table.          

            Sit and wait your turn.

 Who said I need a bath?

I'm divin' in!

You're not clean yet!

What are you lookin' at?

Shower stall.

Doesn't everyone sing in the shower?

Blow dried.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Lion Tamer

(This started in haiku form but it didn't want to stay there)

Sated, she washes
and waits, till lusting for flesh
she ambushes me.

I creep, like a fly
with plucked wings, to the shelter
of the Lion Tamer.

Another resolution chomped to bits!
I've used every formula I know
to keep that lion from getting me.
My knees are buckling
my arms are shaking
I'm gasping like a fish on dry land,
Mr. Lion Tamer, I quit!

How can He smile, even chuckle?
And that tree limb is talking!
"Do you see me turning
four shades of purple
trying to make a cherry
or a mulberry?

Or twisting till I'm nearly broken
trying to stay attached to the tree?
I just soak up the sun
and hang out with the tree
and fruit happens."

Mr. Lion Tamer,
that sounds too easy.

Yep, My yoke is easy
and My burden is light.