Thursday, October 4, 2018

A dandelion, plucked up by the roots
Tossed aside, left to die.
Touched by the sun
Blossomed with seeds

In a small apartment,
Margaret is untethering from earth
In her lap she cradles
the pieces of her life
savoring their memories,
relinquishing them
to the trash barrel,
preparing for the day,
she slips away,
to hear, 'Well done, faithful one.'

But some treasures remain,
like seeds, kingdom seeds
seeds of love, faith, joy, kindness
too many to count
I for one, am grateful,
for the seeds she left behind.


Monday, June 4, 2018


     It seemed like ages from groundbreaking to milking with robots but we finally got there end of April, 2018. After a month, some cows still need reminders from the humans to get milked. It rained most of the month of May and much of the time it was too wet to plant corn so no need to fret about staying in the barn and missing field work.

     In mid-April, Lowell opened the doors of the old barn to allow the cows to find their way to the new barn so they could become accustomed to the new barn before milking started there. By the looks of the old barn, a new barn was needed.

If a gate is open, the cows come out!

When they got to the new concrete (which the Vector feeder travels on) they had to stop and sniff it awhile. "What is this? Is it safe? It is different."

Finally, the first cows got onto the concrete and the rest followed.

They all ran all the way around the inside of the barn and then back out---twice.

When I came back 2 hours later,  they were all in the barn, laying down. They loved it.

Each cow has a computer chip in the belt around her neck that identifies her when she enters the robot stall. The robot computers collect and store all kinds of info about the cow (along with all the input by the human admin).  The cow laying flat is not dead, just very relaxed. Aahhhh!

Feeding time in the barn

The Vector feeder does everything by itself; mixes the feed ration, drives to the barn and unloads the feed. He even plays a tune as a warning he is on his way (a rather boring tune till Ian has time to program a cool one into him). He needs a special name!

The next 3 photos are of the robot stall itself from the cow's viewpoint.

Robot section of barn with 4 robots (two in foreground)

When no cow is in the stall, the back gate is open, front gate is closed. When a cow enters, the back gate closes and robot starts milking, feed falls into the trough that is attached to the front gate. When finished milking, the front gate opens, cow leaves and back gate opens for the next cow. Green part on front gate is computer part.

Close-up of the milker: It moves into place under the cow. It has a laser to find the cows teats and attach itself.

Adding gates and more gates to guide the cows to the robots. They need to learn what to do.

The first cow enters the stall---reluctantly.

Milking! First day they used manual controls.

This is what it looks like from the "human" side.
Touch screen on robot getting a lot of attention.

Curious cow

Exhaustion. When I first saw Calvin he was laying flat on the cement floor!

Ian hired a crew of Old Order Mennonite young men (who were excellent help) the first week to help bring the cows to the robots and get them accustomed to the new way of being milked. This was a round-the-clock endeavor. Daughter-in-law Tori planned and prepared meals for all the workers. I was her grocery gopher and substitute meal preparer/server when she was working. It's suppertime in this photo. Pizza night.

Command Central includes a cot for Ian who has spent many nights in the barn.

And finally, a cow enjoys the automatic back scratcher.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Loving Roy

The words of this poem spilled onto the page as though spoken in my ear by someone begging for understanding and forgiveness.  After several years his story still echoes in my mind and I decided to share it here.

"I'm sorry, Roy, I had to do it
Ain't nothin' goin' right anymore.
I done my best to take care o' you
and this here farm
It weren't easy with you
bein' crippled an' all but
we done alright, jus' you and me.
Only now the cancer's got me
and we both know'd
I'd soon be layin' 'side o' mama
Nights I couldn't sleep,
I heard ya cryin', b
eggin' me
not to let them social fellers
carry ya off to the city
where ya ain't never been
and put ya in one o' them nursin' homes
where ya'd never agin
be close to someone ya loved,
never hear the whip-poor-will, or the peepers, or the owl,
never see the fawns runin' 'cross the field
or the hills a-far (afire) with color in the fall,
never smell the honeysuckle
or a field, fresh plowed,
I love ya too much, Roy,
I jus' couldn't let them fellers do that to ya.
If there's a heaven, I know you're there with mama now
If there's a hell, I reckon that's where I'll be in a minute.
God forgive me, I didn't know what else to do.
I'm sorry Roy, I had to do it."

Monday, April 4, 2016


Tulips, daffodils, hyacinths,
and flowers unknown,
In long neglected flower beds,
Quietly stand in memory
of an artist long forgotten

Can you hear them calling,
Restore, who will restore?

Weathered by storms and sun,
with peeling, fading paint,
The old porch hints
of days of grandeur

Can you hear it calling,
Restore, who will restore?

Plagued by demons,        
Scarred by leprosy,
Unclean and bleeding,
Caught in adultery,

The Creator declared,
Restore, I will restore.

Like the prodigal son,
Wounded and bowed    
by all manner of evil,
The children of men
barely reflect
their Creator's image

Can you hear Him call?
Come unto Me,
I will restore.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Conversation with Bubbles

"Get up," he said, "Get up!"
My bowl is empty and it's seven o'clock!"

"Ignore him, he'll shut up,"
My brain groggy with sleep went back to dreaming.

"Get up and feed me," a voice insistent
won't be denied.

"Be quiet, it's not seven o'clock.
We went on slow time don't you know?"

"Humph, excuses, excuses."
He changed tactics hopping onto my pillow,
purring and kneading.
"Please, please get up, O mommy dear. I'm hungry
and it's seven o'clock."

"No, it's not and besides your bowl isn't empty."

"Suit yourself, I'm staying here, purring and kneading
until you get up."
Finally the alarm goes off, I get up, fill his bowl.
"Okay, Bubbles, breakfast is ready."

"Never mind. We're on slow time.
It's not time to get up yet."

Sunday, July 26, 2015


Butterfly bush
outside my window
hummingbird magnet
dishes left unwashed.

Notice he is swallowing a drop of nectar

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Chicken Talk

     Sometimes, God gives me a photo, totally unexpectedly, that speaks to me. I thought I'd share it. Perhaps it will speak to you.

With hustle and bustle this wise banty hen
Keeps her brood in tow
Teaching them lessons they need to know
To thrive in a chicken world
Under and around her feet all day
They watch her every move
Listening for her gentle clucks
As she shows them all the doings
a proper chicken does.
When the sun begins to fade
and evening takes its place
Mrs. Hen gathers her flock
And coaxes them to roost
in safety under her wings
Far above the enemies that creep
steal and destroy in the night

As dawn begins to waken the earth
A raucous "cut, cut, cut, ca-dacket"
bounces me from my bed
Whatever is this racket?!
Two little peeps have gone astray
Are roosting near the ground
Wonder what they heard their Mama say?
"You kids come up here right now!
You'll get yourselves killed down there
That's why I want you here with me
Now come here!"
With squeaky peeps her wayward chicks
fly toward the sound of her voice
With her brood intact in the full morning light
Mama leads the way to the henhouse suite
A place of safety from enemies that fly
steal and destroy in the day.

      "Behold, I have loved you with an everlasting love......He will cover you with His feathers...Under His wings I am safely abiding........He has seated us with Him in heavenly places, far above all principalities, powers, might and dominion......Jesus said, "I do nothing on my own. I only do what I see My Father doing for whatever He does the Son does likewise.....It is written in the prophets, they shall all be taught of God.....He that believes on Me, the works that I do shall he do also and greater works....."  from Jeremiah 31:3, Psalm 91, Ephesians 1 and 2, John 5:19, 30, John 6;45, John 8:28
John 14:12    What better way to learn than to sit at His feet as Mary did to know Him and to know the Father.