"Get up," he said, "Get up!"
My bowl is empty and it's seven o'clock!"
"Ignore him, he'll shut up,"
My brain groggy with sleep went back to dreaming.
"Get up and feed me," a voice insistent
won't be denied.
"Be quiet, it's not seven o'clock.
We went on slow time don't you know?"
"Humph, excuses, excuses."
He changed tactics hopping onto my pillow,
purring and kneading.
"Please, please get up, O mommy dear. I'm hungry
and it's seven o'clock."
"No, it's not and besides your bowl isn't empty."
"Suit yourself, I'm staying here, purring and kneading
until you get up."
Finally the alarm goes off, I get up, fill his bowl.
"Okay, Bubbles, breakfast is ready."
"Never mind. We're on slow time.
It's not time to get up yet."