Wednesday, October 17, 2012


You are with me always, this I know
But sometimes I need to fly
to some cathedral not made by man   
to wait in silence
for You.

We have thought on Your steadfast love, O God, in the midst of Your temple. Psalm 48:9

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Early Snowfall

One October day     
winter bursts into fall    
catches him painting leaves
invites him to play.

Snowflakes sprinkle leaves

Adorn evergreens

Tumble into waterfalls

Tease motorists 

Captivate photographers 

Winter retreats
Leaves autumn to his glory
He just came to play
One October day

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Lilies and Sparrows

Terrorism threatens
Unemployment is high
The government is broke
There's drought in the west
Food prices are rising
So much to worry about
What will I do?

Consider the lilies
They neither toil or spin
Yet Solomon, the wisest
richest man in the world
was not dressed as well
as these.

Consider the sparrows
They do no sow or reap
They don't store in barns
Yet Your Heavenly Father
continues to feed them
Are you not worth more
than lilies and sparrows?
So do not worry or be anxious. Your Father knows you need these things.
(From Matthew 6:25-34)

Giving Thanks?


Why are you worried?


Plenty for all

Tufted titmouse joins the feast 

That looks good!