(This started in haiku form but it didn't want to stay there)
Sated, she washes
and waits, till lusting for fleshshe ambushes me.
I creep, like a fly
with plucked wings, to the shelter
of the Lion Tamer.
Another resolution chomped to bits!
I've used every formula I know
to keep that lion from getting me.
My knees are bucklingmy arms are shaking
I'm gasping like a fish on dry land,
Mr. Lion Tamer, I quit!
How can He smile, even chuckle?
And that tree limb is talking!
"Do you see me turning
four shades of purple
or a mulberry?
Or twisting till I'm nearly broken
trying to stay attached to the tree?
I just soak up the sun
and hang out with the tree
and fruit happens."
Mr. Lion Tamer,
that sounds too easy.
Yep, My yoke is easy
and My burden is light.